It’s that time of year again – I’m off to Genghiscon tomorrow! I’m running a panel on Advanced Character Creation (suitable for TTRPGs or writing), and also a panel discussion with some other local authors on How to Write a Book. (Spoilers: the answer is, you sit down and write until you’re done. Then the hard part starts.)
If you’re in town and think you might be in the vicinity of Curtin University (the new GC venue), come and say hi! Would love to see you there <3

In honour of the con, I’ve put both Don’t Look Back (book 1 of the Black Dragon trilogy) and No Reflections (book 1 of the Red Dragon trilogy) on sale for $3.00 AU for this weekend only. All of my gaming supplements are also on sale for the weekend, so do take advantage – everything from the new adventures (Escape From Castle Dracul, and The Pattern-Plague) through to the full Yarthe Campaign Setting is marked down to student prices. 🙂