Ah hahahahahaha hah. Bother.

This post, or the beginning of it, has been sitting in draft for 2 weeks because I thought I’d posted it already, and I hadn’t. So… Last week Two weeks ago (on Apr 3rd, to be exact) I spoke with Will Yeoman of Writing WA for the Podstreet podcast, about my Red Dragon trilogy and the recently launched 3rd novel of the trilogy, In Seaglass.

I was really happy with the conversation, and would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on it. Listen to the episode here!

Since then, I’ve attended the Boddington Medieval Fayre as an author-in-residence for the day, recorded the 3rd episode of Mistworld Season 2: Tale of Dust, and had our water run out at the farm.

Yes, you read that correctly, we ran out of water. We’re not on scheme water out here, even though we’re only a 40 minute drive out of the centre of Perth, so all our water is from our rainwater tanks – and the level measuring device karked it, and we didn’t check manually until the pump started making an unhappy noise. It’s been a very nervous, frugal week, running on the backup emergency water in the small tank (itself three quarters empty, because it’s used to irrigate the fruit trees through the summer). The rains are late, and everyone is running low on water, so the water carriers are booked solid; most of them said they could fit us in in 12 weeks. Maybe 5 weeks if it was an emergency. Fortunately one of the local water carrier companies had the time to bring us a load today (!) so we’re ok again. Still. It’s been a very long week of feeling much more empathy than I wanted to feel for the people in Mexico and some areas in India and central Africa where this is the new normal, and water simply isn’t available.

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