All of my TTRPG (table-top roleplaying game) supplements are available through DriveThruRPG, or you can buy them here; all digital content available from this site (including ebooks) is DRM free.

New games and adventures are published monthly to my Patreon, and on the Draconum Studio substack mailing list (available for a small monthly subscription fee).

Guardian Griffons of the Tower of the Dead - front cover
Guardian Griffons of the Tower of the Dead

Yarthe Campaign Setting

Dragons of Yarthe

Cats of Ulthar (forthcoming)
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 1: Jenny in the Mist - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 1: Jenny in the Mist
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 2: Rest in Peace - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 2: Rest in Peace (forthcoming
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 3: Trouble Underground - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 3: Trouble Underground (forthcoming)
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 4: What's Up Doc? - front cover
Lyonesse Incident Intercision Team Alpha 4: What’s Up Doc? (forthcoming)

Below is a list of all of my published Campaign Settings, Supplements & other materials for table-top roleplaying games (TTRPGs):

  • Adventure Modules & Scenarios:
    • Guardian Griffons of the Tower of the Dead (a standalone Pathfinder 2 adventure module for 4th level griffon characters).
    • Yarthe: Jenny in the Mist (a Lyonesse Intercision Incident Team Alpha adventure)
    • Yarthe: Rest in Peace (a Lyonesse Intercision Incident Team Alpha adventure) – forthcoming
    • Yarthe: Trouble Underground (a Lyonesse Intercision Incident Team Alpha adventure) – forthcoming
    • Yarthe: What’s Up, Doc? (a Lyonesse Intercision Incident Team Alpha adventure) – forthcoming