Griffons go live

And the Guardian Griffons adventure is live! 🙂 Next project: the full campaign setting for Yarthe, my steampunk alternate Earth.

Guardian Griffons

The guardian griffons adventure module is finally done to my satisfaction. Yes, that little side-project that I was going to just toss out quickly. That

Don’t Look Back

Book 1 of the Black Dragon trilogy – which is linked and interlinked, timeline-wise, with the Red Dragon trilogy – is about to launch. One

In-Person Events

On Jan 22, 2022, I ran a character creation workshop at GenghisCon – which is a small speculative fiction and games convention held annually in

Progress Update

Twitter is a better check-in for my progress, but I thought I’d put something up here, too. Chapter 10 of The Bone Road is underway

Bookmark Art

Just wanted to share a preview of the bookmarks I’ve been creating, which will be going to print sometime soon, and coming along to events